Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Design Pattern

Design Pattern

"The sharp edges of the floral pattern,
The rich color to the eyes,
A different angle of the exact picture, 
A change of Perspective!"

     I'm not good at poetry, but I'm sure I'm not bad at it. The design pattern of a wall can attract people in different ways. One such design which attracted me is this floral creation. Flowers are the major design starters in the world, which is now named as the floral patterns. I have seen many things which have taken flowers as their designs, but the wall is entirely New for me. I was staring at the wall for several minutes that I forgot myself in the richness of its curves. I was mesmerized by the sight that forced me to take out my camera. Not a single picture stopped me, I kept on clicking at different angles that i almost forgot I have more places to discover. When I'm done with the clicks, I left the place with the happiest hearts. Flowers are the a Traditional design starters which now is the Trendy design comers. With their curvy texture, they give the beauty to things. Never under estimate the beauty of the flowers. Silly stuff photography Continues.😉

"Even a Pattern has the power of Attraction" 

Monday, 15 August 2016



A pattern of art!
Things are better when colors are filled!"

Floral designs are always the Best even though time flies faster. The designers began their Art with the flowers and took various ups and downs, turns and twists and came out with a widest variety of designs. Now, floral designs are almost in the top list which was once the Start for this category. Never underestimate the power of the Beginning stuffs, those will become the precious ever. Flowers are the ones with a widest variety and having enormous colors and fragnances. Their various shapes and structure gives beauty to their appearance. With the richness of flowers, the widest fragnance fills up the place. Nothing could be so elegant as the flowers are. Every flower's petals differ in their shapes and color but they never fail to spread the fragnance throughout the world. Lets be like the flowers which irrespective of their differences, shines and spreads beauty to the surrounding, lets spread the happiness to the people around. Elegant Beauty lies on those flowers and Elegancy lies on our Hearts. 

"Love to be the Blossom of your Love!"😘



"Write the Letter with Love and Peace"

It's Spring! Time for letters for your loved ones! Olden days, seasons decide the time for writing letters. But now-a-days, technology has improved in the great sense that even if people are miles and miles away, they are very near through technology. Still the joy of reading a letter can never fade. Try writing all your feelings, moments, memories, routines, problems, solutions, love, hate, anger and happiness in one sheet and send it to the one who needs to be delivered. The joy, the smile, the tears, all mixed emotions of them will come together while reading each and every word. They re-read it to have more laughter, to understand more of your feelings, to reminice the moments and so on. So no matter how much technology has improved, there is always a little space for the olden chores to unwrap and fly. Start expressing your feelings in words, it will bring more feelings to deliver. ❤

"Melt the reader of your life!"



"Stud potrays the Beauty of a Woman"

Girls are like flowers, so elegant in hearts and they sacrifice more for their beloved ones. Ornaments, attires, make-up are nothing if she has her Smile on her lips. A girl brings happiness to her family once she is born, and then she's taken by her Prince to spread the happiness in her Newly welcomed family. She being the best Princess of her Dad, then become the Best Queen for her King. She serves her family with love and peace and also plays the role of the Mother to her children. She forgets to eat while she's more concentrated on her kid's diet. She forgets her Birthday while she celebrates her King's and kid's big days with joy. She forgets every single thing of her own and become fully focussed on her loved ones. When a woman does so much, why not treasure her like a diamond! A little gift will make her day. A stud will make her shine. With the beautiful stud, she's gonna shine like the diamond and spread the light throughout the family. 
The studs aren't focussed. Yet their beauty doesn't fade. Similarly, even if a woman is not completely cared by her family, her beauty doesn't fade. They make the beauty more beautiful! Women will be the pillar of the home of happiness. 

"Treasure your Woman like a Diamond"

Sunday, 14 August 2016



"Feel the Chillness from the Sky"

Kodaikanal is one of the coolest place with so much of greeneries and sceneries. Even a view from the pathway is more adorable. A morning walk around the place with Jerkins on is the best walk one could have had. With so much of little animals wandering around the place, spreading their morning vibes and happiness, the walk will become more energitic. When it becomes a practice, it becomes a hobby. When our cute pet accompanies our walk, then what else is needed. Being Single can be fun with more such routines. Never miss an opportunity to visit Kodaikanal else you will regret later. The greeneries are the Best out there. Pretty ambience can make you prettier. Chilling climate with friends around can never be compensated. Enjoy every little minute and make it moments. For one day, forget the world and focus on your own world, the happiness gained will make you achieve the best in life. 

"Little Happiness can make Great Achievements"

College Times!

College Times!

"Bunk Classes and Make Memories"

College life is one of the Best part of a Teenager. Lots of friends, enemies, fights, wars, emotions, celebrations together in one big building. Making the college life is like making a Journal mixed up with romance, action, comedy, adventure, fun, thrill, unity and lots more. No matter how much one hates a person from their college life, they will be the best of best buddies then after. Once College life begins, the words heard often are Assignments, Records, Graphs, Practicals, Semester blaah blaah. But apart from these, the students often says one word to sum up all these and that is Bunk. Incomplete assignments, late record submissions, late entry, low attendance, half project outputs are all proud moments of teenagers. These may not be the right things, but when a Teenager looks back his/her college life, these will be the reminiscing moments. The right time to learn will be learned and the best time to play will be played. 

"Trust a Teenager, they know better"

My Kittos!

Three Baby Kittos!

"Show your love to be loved"

Kittens are always special. The New borns in the New place fears to take the first step. Those little creatures sounds tiny with fear. Once when you start playing with them, they crawl again and again for more joy. They become the part of the family. When they are little, treat them like kids, they are kids too. Just give your love, they give you more than you love. Tender them with the sweetest smile, their reactions will be filled with cuteness. My companions of all time!
A snap of all the three of them hiding away and sneeking around!
Those texts are the names i have given them.
The Best Poser, Squido!
The Blue Eyed Gem, Snippy!
The Shy Poser, Swash!
Admiring their cute naughty gestures! 😘

"Naughty Kitty loves Master"



"Perspective can create Wonders"

Ever wondered a piece of cloth can be a photographic thing?! If a simple cloth can give more imaginative stories, why can't our life? Everything depends on one's perspective. A paper is just a paper until someone draws in it or fold it in different shapes. When something is drawn on a paper, it becomes an Art. When it is folded to shapes, it becomes a Craft. It just takes the imaginations of everyone to create the Wonders. Now, looking into Life, it has more ups and downs, but one's perspective can change the down's to go up's and vice-versa. So before coming to a conclusion, just look at the issue with the right perspective, it may change the entire issue to end with a smile. Never give up, because even the texture can create stories. 
I do love these kind of silly stuffs to be a wonderful perspective! A small piece of the cloth gives a honeycomb texture with the brightest colors in it! The layers can make up the Benzene Ring huh! Oh not a bookaholic of course! 🙊

"Deep Perspective gives Deep Thoughts!"

One Evening Time!

One Evening Time!

"Night Lamp between the fluffiest clouds"
When there is a natural Lamp up there to bring us light during the darkest night, what creation of the Almighty do you deny! 

The view of the moon by the sea side is the happiest moment one can spend. Every tension is washed away by the sight of the beautiful scenery. Spend that very moment with the people who are close to your hearts. See their eyes and talk to them, share your thoughts, smile to eachother. It will become a wonderful memory to look back after years. 

"The Farthest Mountains, looks hidden"
Those hidden Mountains will be like the secrets you had held back since. Have no secrets with the people who are lovable and trustworthy, they will keep your secrets more hidden than you do. The reason not to hold back secrets to them is that, you can be very comfortable with them in all time. Hope this is kinda True. 

"The Still Water is actually waving"
When there comes a time in Life, where you think that life is over, just be clear that the water never stands still always. They move, they wave all the time, even in a very slight manner. The biggest storm doesn't happen in one go, it starts off with a slow wave. So life has the biggest success waiting for which has just started of with a mildest difficulty. Never think Life is Over, its just a small phase to go through before reaching the Sparkling destination. 

"The Boats are about to set free"
The Teenage phase of life is the most happiest and difficult at the same time. The happiness is because of the millions and millions of memories to make with the best buddies and the difficulty is because of the way they see the prohibition from elders in making certain memories. A Teenage life is thought to be set as a Free bird. But it is not, a teenage life is like a Boat which is about to set free. It is the phase where one should be moulded with all the valuable lessons before setting free. So instead of prohibiting certain things, teach them the reason behind it. Then, the perspective of prohibition will be changed to a meaningful reason. Let the Teenager be a Teenager. 

"The Clouds mashes up to a beautiful texture"
Every lessons learned, every memories made, every mistakes done, every sorry uttered, every thankyou said, every guilty forgiven mashes up together a Person into a Humble Man. 

"Nature to be a Best example for Life"


Night Lamp of the Universe!


"The Night Lamp of the Universe"

A perfect evening with the Brightest moon. It gives you peace when you are at the spot where all your favourite sceneries are present. A heavenly feel will begin to spread throughout. All the worries will vanish in that very moment. An imagination of a fantasy world can be felt true in that spot. The slowly waving water with the varying textures of the waves at its tips, makes it more beautiful than it is. As the waves washes the dirt in the stones, wash away the worries by wearing the happiest smile. A smile can change the entire perspective of a situation. The sound of the waves are so refreshing to the ears, just as the waves starts communicating with you. Speak out your feelings to the water which carries it to the complete opposite side from you. The heart feels at peace when all your feelings are shared. A place which can be visited in all situations to feel the peace and joy. For me, Moon, ofcourse my favourite lamp which saves me from nightmares though! 👻

"Beauty of Nature can wash away the worries"

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Elegant design!

Simple But Elegant!

The simplest elegancy is the most adorable! Who said floral designs are limited! Flowers are the richest creatures with their infinite fragrance throughout. Even a henna can make their richest texture in the skin. A floral texture for the Hand is an elegant feel for the eyes. Any elegancy in anything makes one go kind and happy. So any love for this elegancy?! 😊
Designs for simplicity! Though not a perfect click, loving the way it is. 

"Elegancy in one's own way"

Happy Hand!


"Happy Hands with Happy Henna"

Hands are always there to enjoy the happiest moments and also wipes our tears, so why not give them a beautiful texture?!

An occasion was headed up and I was next to the Henna Store. Everytime I make an Art of henna, the joy raises in me and make me wanna spread the joy around. So this made me so excited that I spread my happiness and experience to most of the ones around me. Now that I have created the confidence and unique style to those lovebees, I'm even more excited to click and post the moment right away. The elegancy of the thoughts potrays the designs out. Feel the Sun, take a deep breath, take a walk in the park, sit in a bench surrounded by the richness of flowers, take out the henna, squeeze out and start working on the pattern, every worries of that second will fly up above the sky and all the joy pours as rain to make your Art the Heart of your imagination. 😘

Pretty much Love for Henna!



"Kids makes the Moment Precious"

A day spent with kids will be memorable yet childish. A simple black and white art will never be black and white once it is got into the hands of children. They not only make the art colorful, but also makes our day to be filled with color and joy. Life is filled with different colors. It depends on the perspective. Life may be a Black and White Film which is waiting to become Colorful with your love. Just Love and Enjoy the moments of the Present. Forget the Future. It will be moulded by your present Happiness. By the way, kids made me to enjoy my childhood days again! 😉

"Spread Love to be Loved"