Sunday, 14 August 2016

One Evening Time!

One Evening Time!

"Night Lamp between the fluffiest clouds"
When there is a natural Lamp up there to bring us light during the darkest night, what creation of the Almighty do you deny! 

The view of the moon by the sea side is the happiest moment one can spend. Every tension is washed away by the sight of the beautiful scenery. Spend that very moment with the people who are close to your hearts. See their eyes and talk to them, share your thoughts, smile to eachother. It will become a wonderful memory to look back after years. 

"The Farthest Mountains, looks hidden"
Those hidden Mountains will be like the secrets you had held back since. Have no secrets with the people who are lovable and trustworthy, they will keep your secrets more hidden than you do. The reason not to hold back secrets to them is that, you can be very comfortable with them in all time. Hope this is kinda True. 

"The Still Water is actually waving"
When there comes a time in Life, where you think that life is over, just be clear that the water never stands still always. They move, they wave all the time, even in a very slight manner. The biggest storm doesn't happen in one go, it starts off with a slow wave. So life has the biggest success waiting for which has just started of with a mildest difficulty. Never think Life is Over, its just a small phase to go through before reaching the Sparkling destination. 

"The Boats are about to set free"
The Teenage phase of life is the most happiest and difficult at the same time. The happiness is because of the millions and millions of memories to make with the best buddies and the difficulty is because of the way they see the prohibition from elders in making certain memories. A Teenage life is thought to be set as a Free bird. But it is not, a teenage life is like a Boat which is about to set free. It is the phase where one should be moulded with all the valuable lessons before setting free. So instead of prohibiting certain things, teach them the reason behind it. Then, the perspective of prohibition will be changed to a meaningful reason. Let the Teenager be a Teenager. 

"The Clouds mashes up to a beautiful texture"
Every lessons learned, every memories made, every mistakes done, every sorry uttered, every thankyou said, every guilty forgiven mashes up together a Person into a Humble Man. 

"Nature to be a Best example for Life"


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