Saturday, 12 March 2016

Highway Scenes!

Highway Scenes...!📷
The creatures with no sort of hatred and only LOVE prevailed over them for their lifetime...!🐤
Crows, always the perfect co-ordinate creatures.
None can ever beat their Unity..!💐
God's mercy❤


     Ever wondered, how to enjoy your travelling with nature?! Each and every little thing can make us enjoy our travelling other than music and chit chats. The beauty of the ambience can make us love our travel. Now in this Highway, look how neat the path is, how empty are the morning roads, admire how perfect the lines are, find the bridge which is hiding inside the morning clouds, watch out the curve where you gonna speed up the steering, look at the sky which is shining in its Blue Sparkle, see the birds which are going together for their morning ride, the road which we are nearing is right on top, the greenery by the side. Isn't this more for a 10 sec drive?! Imagine how long you may drive, how many more you are about to spot. Things around us are common unless we see them in a different way. It's just the perspective which defines the ambience. A perfect drive is all what you need.

     Now, your life is more imaginative than you think. Every little thing happens for a reason. They are meant to be enjoyed in a different perspective. Just stop worrying about the things you are about to solve very soon, and enjoy the happiness which is hidden in it. Think deeper, you will know there is reason to smile. And when you start to relax and smile, you will find the right solution in a different perspective. So start enjoying every second, your problems will be vanished within days. Love every second of your life, then no matter what, at the end you will realize that you have lived your life to the fullest!
"Perception is Everything"

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