Saturday, 12 March 2016

PheoniX Clouds...!

Doesn't this look like a bird which is turning it's face face with anger and it's wings waving in the air?🙈
#Phoenix The Beauty of Sky...!


     Sky, the one which is the same for the entire universe. The vast area with it's beautiful Clouds within. The beauty of the sky can be seen when you admire every bits of it. Sky talks, Sky feels, Sky loves. Every Cloud within the sky conveys a beautiful portrait. It only takes a few seconds to admire it and you will never stop loving it. Clouds are my best travel partners. I talk to them, I admire them, I love them and I finally get my love back with their portraits. My travelling diary can never be alone unless the sky disappears. Even the Darkest phase of the sky has its Stars, which are my Twinkling friends. So I'm never Alone in this Beautiful creation of God. 
     Some say "Aim for the Sky, so You may reach the ceiling", but I take it in a different sense, "Challenge and Love the Sky, You may reach beyond the Sky". Just live the life happily with what you have and sooner or later, you are gonna live the happiest life ever. When the darkest sky can turn Yellow, then Red, then Blue, then Orange, then Grey and finally to Dark again, why can't we enjoy the colors of our life. When Sky has the Rainbow colors within its Cloudy friends, so do we have the splendid colors in our lives?, Of course we do, but we are not realizing it because of the busy stuffs running in our minds. Just Relax a bit, look up, talk to the sky, forget the World, admire its beauty, find the portraits, think what you need, You will know what to do. Now start the day with the smile, your success is flying to you!

"The Sky, My LOVE"

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