Sunday, 4 June 2017



"A Simple Meow means a Beautiful Hello"

Cats are one of the loveliest creatures of the Almighty. They are caring like a rabbit, protecting like a Tiger. They love being pampered and so they crawl between us. There a lot of interesting facts about cats. A group of cats is called a Clowder, a male cat is called a Tom (I always remember Tom and Jerry), a female cat is called a Molly or Queen (Sure she will be a queen for her family), and the young little ones are known as Kittens (aren't they cute?). 

Cats have the sparkling eyes and there's an interesting fact about their eyes. Most people say that cats can see in darkness, but the fact is cats can see clearly in only one sixth of the light we humans need to see. The cannot see in total darkness, but can see well in low lights. Now, regarding cats ears, they have the super cool shape and have a high hearing tendency. They could even hear the mildest sound and could react to it. Each and every fact about cats can make us more interested in pampering them. 

Now here is my little Molly named DooBoo, who gives me poses when I take the camera. Isn't she lovely to make such a gesture. 

'Kittens love Mittens'

1 comment:

  1. You have given some interesting info about cats. Ur DooBoo has given a cute pose indeed.
